Chicken is one of the most popular types of meat on Polish tables. No wonder it appears so often not only on people’s plates, but also in dogs’ bowls. However, it turns out that your dog is allergic to chicken, so you cannot feed him food with this type of meat? Fortunately, there are many interesting alternatives!
Chicken allergy is a common affliction for dogs
Although chicken meat is very popular, it is often cheap and of low quality. As a result, many people – and many dogs – suffer from intolerance to this type of meat. Nowadays, many dog owners are seeing symptoms of chicken meat allergy in their pets.
Poultry allergy in a dog – symptoms
The allergy can manifest as problems after eating a meal that contains chicken, such as:
diarrhoea or vomiting shortly after the meal,
itching in the ear or muzzle area,
runny nose,
over time also matting of the coat or lack of appetite.
However, it is essential to be aware that a chicken allergy is most often manifested by skin changes such as itching. If your dog licks the affected areas for a while after a meal and they are affected, you should wean the food in question for a while and see if the symptoms disappear.
Unfortunately, detecting a food allergy is just as complicated in dogs as it is in humans, as it requires weaning off different types of food and checking that the symptoms disappear. In dogs that eat one or two types of food, this is much easier than in those that eat a variety of foods. However, when food allergy symptoms appear, it is important to start acting immediately to be sure which type of food is allergic to your dog.
What food for a dog allergic to chicken?
The choice of food for a dog allergic to chicken seems obvious – just buy a food that does not contain this type of meat, such as a food with turkey or beef. Unfortunately, it is important to know that for many of the pet foods available in the shops, manufacturers add meat mixes that also contain chicken. So you may find that food – advertised as beef food – will contain a few per cent chicken.
The best choice for a dog allergic to chicken would be a mono-protein dog food. This is a special food for pets that have been found to be allergic to one or more types of meat. Such food does not contain a composition of different types of meat, but only one of them. In this way, the dog’s owner can be 100% sure that he or she is not giving their pet food that contains the allergenic ingredient – in this case, chicken.
Mono-protein foods contain only one type of meat – for example, turkey, venison, chicken or lamb. It may also contain vegetables and rice or potatoes. Such foods allow you to quickly ascertain which type of meat your dog is allergic to. If in doubt, you can feed your dog this food to find out whether a particular type of meat is definitely not allergenic to your dog. This is a convenient and safe solution for dog owners with food allergies
Chicken allergy dog food – summary
Chicken allergy is a common affliction for dogs, so pet owners should be alert to symptoms such as itching or other skin changes after a meal. Mono-protein foods can be a solution to food allergies, allowing the particular type of meat to be eliminated from the diet. It is advisable to choose high-quality mono-protein foods that will provide your dog with all the necessary nutrients.
Could you please advise if you have any dry dog food that doesn’t contain any of the following ingredients
Pork , poultry or pea protein
I’m having a lot of difficulty finding something that my elderly dog can have
Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, we do not currently offer a dry or air-dried food that meets your specific requirements. We recommend considering a mono-protein option, which we do not have in stock at the moment. We can offer you wet monoprotein wet dog food: